Rants and ramblings about get paid to programs. Discover tips and tricks to earn money from get paid to programs.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Get Paid to Post in Forums
How to find a forum that will pay me to respond to discussions?
This is easy especially if you are already a member of a certain paying forum. They have a thread created to talk about paying forums so all you need to do is try them out. I suggest that you choose two to three forums that pay, no scams under their name, helpful moderators and admins, good testimonials from members and offers unlimited number of post a day and stick with it. Actually you only need two to three forums and you can earn $2 a day from each site so it means that you can make $6 a day if you have joined three forums. If you do not have any forums yet, then continue reading and I will provide them for you of course no referral links so you can join immediately. If you want higher pay per post you can visit digital point, use their search bar and search for "WTB forum posting" you will see a lot of people recruiting posters, try your luck and hope you will be hired.
How to make money from forum posting?
Since we will join the forum who only pay two cents per post it will take a lot of hard work to achieve our $2 target but do not worry because if you focus on posting on different discussions and answering new replies you will get your 100 post a day target for two hours, not really good paying right? Yeah but if you have a hard time earning from other GPT then you can lower your sky high pride and do this to make money. Well you must avoid spamming because the moderators and admins do not tolerate this kind of shit and they might deduct your earning or worse ban you from their forum.
Another good technique is posting quality response and quoting someone, this will make the discussion interesting for other people so they will reply and if they replied this means that you can post more which means that more income will be generated from different discussions. If you really want to make big amount of money, join different GPT programs which you can read here in my blog - Get Paid to Programs Rants. Thanks for reading and happy earnings!
Recommended forum posting sites:
Cash Find Forum - A great way to make extra income online
Earn money from forum posting with Global Earn Talk
Golden Talk Scam?
Money Share Forum
How to earn money on Mylot
The Cash Chat
Advice to New GPT Workers!
If you are damn serious about taking home big bucks using the internet then you must be motivated, focused and must do anything to achieve your goal. I know a lot of people who quits before achieving their very first penny using different paid programs. Quitting is not an option if you are a sworn GPT worker who makes a living online!
Remember that if you quit and do nothing except Facebook and playing game programs all day, Twitter and twitting nonsense and Youtube and watching your favorite channel all day will make your online career doomed to failure and all that time in front of your computer is an utter waste of time, quitters have a lot of pathetic excuses and blame it in the programs they joined in and I'm tired of it.
If getting filthy rich person who can swim on a pool of jewels and gems and owns a two hundred fifty acres of farm land are your motivation (Yes I do!) then make it lower and start small, you will never be that rich using get paid programs but I'm sure that this programs will boost your monthly earnings and you can save some money! If you are a hardcore search engine optimization specialist then your dream will not be impossible like reviving Michael Jackson.
I just want to remind you, getting laid oh I mean paid on the internet programs is not easy, start small and slowly but surely increase your knowledge and as your skill grow, find some greener pasture and be progressive, continuously improve your skill and ability and it will give you higher amount of income. Try to be lazy and let your laziness grow and you will be swimming in a cesspool together with the sore losers and some trolls who are not happy with any concessions you make.
You will always see this message in my blog to remind you and give some word of encouragement to awaken the money maker inside you, to be honest this eye opening or rather irritating message is used to increase my motivation too because I'm a lazy person who likes to hang out on different social networking sites and of course I avoid them now because it is a big distraction and waste of golden time... I apologize this message harms your eyeballs or gives you some headache...well sometimes I got bored with my huge genius mind so I do this kind of things *lol*
I want to tell the worlds, that the illuminati is real because i have see the benefit of being a member of illuminati, i have tried to join the illuminati some many times, i have been scammed alot of money, but i did not give up because i know if i find the real illuminati, my life will be changed forever so i did not stop, on till i find the real illuminati official email and phone number, if you want to join the real illuminati, i want you to know that i can direct you to the really illuminati official email and phone number, brothers/sisters who is interested or who have be scammed so many times like me, that still have interest to join the illuminati because you believed that if you join your life will be changed, you do not have to worry about anything because i am here to show you all the right way to join the real illuminati, i want you all to know that to join the real illuminati it is free, you will not be ask to pay for any fee, all the process is free to join the illuminati, because when i joined the real illuminati i did not pay for any fee, when i was totally initiated to the illuminati, i was given so many benefits as a new member, i can tell you one of the benefits i was give an instant $2,000,000.00 to start a new life, brothers/sisters that have interest to join the illuminati, this is the real illuminati official email: churchofsataninitiationtemple@gmail.com and the illuminati phone call center or WhatsApp number is +1 (508) 819 2672 you can contact the illuminati official email or WhatsApp number of how to join, if is free to join the illuminati.