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Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Get Paid to Blog
But first let me tell you how this get paid to blog programs operate so you will have a clear view of what's really going on this kind of programs, first you will create a blog about anything that can be reached by your knowledge so let's say you create a blog and your topic is all about baking cheese cakes and making them delicious. You will add content preferably two post everyday so the search engine spiders will crawl your site effectively, next is you will promote you cheese cake err I mean your site by any means, go to article directories and submit an article that is related about you site, make sure to include you link on the author section so you can get a one way backlink which is important to make your site rank well in search engine result pages and get a good page rank from Google, by the way page rank or well known as PR is used to determine how important you are to Google so the higher PR you have means Daddy G loves you so much. You can also go to forums and put your link in the signature to get some good backlinks, another way to be loved by Google is commenting on do follow blogs and I mean commenting not spamming shit all around like a cat with incurable diarrhea.
You will work hard for three months to get your cheese cake site ranked well in SERPs (search engine result pages) and get a good level of PR (page rank) you will notice that your once unnoticed blog is now getting good number of visitors who wants to bake or eat cheese cake thanks to your hard work, patience and research. Now you decided to join a programs that pays you to blog to get more revenue from your site, you saw some reputable companies and you join in and registered your three month old site. Now you will wait if you have a post offer and it will take a week depending on your niche. After one week you received an offer from a pastry company and the deal will be you will write about them for 500 words and put their link on your blog post, the link must use correct anchor text and it must be do follow.
Piece of cake! You will be receiving payment handsomely with those easy jobs, I bet no get paid programs on the internet can match this 500 words and a link for $100 if you have a good page rank! Well after a week you saw your cheese cake blog PR bitch slapped by Daddy G down to N/A or zero, all your hard work, effort, tears and blood to increase your site PR is gone within a week, you will get out there and say that Daddy G is a big fat hobo who takes away PR without any prior notice or reason.
Just to inform you guys, Daddy G consider paid blogging programs as a link buying/selling scheme and they will immediately drop the hammer of justice or simple bitch slap your site PR and leave you back to N/A PR which is really disappointing for a blogger who worked hard to increase their page rank, so before you join this kind of paid programs think about it over and over again and let your brain cells debate if it is really worth it or paid to blog programs is pathetic waste of time to join this kind of programs, well let me help you, you can still earn decent amount of cash using advertising programs such as Adsense, Chitika, Adbrite and more, you can also get some affiliate links going so you can earn commission from every sales generated by your website. There are too many money making possibilities available and the money will come to you slowly but surely. If you are focusing on affiliate marketing then you might want to drive traffic to your blog using traffic exchange. Do not use traffic exchange if you are using advertising though, you will lose your account.
If you are really serious about programs that will pay you to blog then you might want to check out my review, rants and ramblings about different paid to blog companies.
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Advice to New GPT Workers!
If you are damn serious about taking home big bucks using the internet then you must be motivated, focused and must do anything to achieve your goal. I know a lot of people who quits before achieving their very first penny using different paid programs. Quitting is not an option if you are a sworn GPT worker who makes a living online!
Remember that if you quit and do nothing except Facebook and playing game programs all day, Twitter and twitting nonsense and Youtube and watching your favorite channel all day will make your online career doomed to failure and all that time in front of your computer is an utter waste of time, quitters have a lot of pathetic excuses and blame it in the programs they joined in and I'm tired of it.
If getting filthy rich person who can swim on a pool of jewels and gems and owns a two hundred fifty acres of farm land are your motivation (Yes I do!) then make it lower and start small, you will never be that rich using get paid programs but I'm sure that this programs will boost your monthly earnings and you can save some money! If you are a hardcore search engine optimization specialist then your dream will not be impossible like reviving Michael Jackson.
I just want to remind you, getting laid oh I mean paid on the internet programs is not easy, start small and slowly but surely increase your knowledge and as your skill grow, find some greener pasture and be progressive, continuously improve your skill and ability and it will give you higher amount of income. Try to be lazy and let your laziness grow and you will be swimming in a cesspool together with the sore losers and some trolls who are not happy with any concessions you make.
You will always see this message in my blog to remind you and give some word of encouragement to awaken the money maker inside you, to be honest this eye opening or rather irritating message is used to increase my motivation too because I'm a lazy person who likes to hang out on different social networking sites and of course I avoid them now because it is a big distraction and waste of golden time... I apologize this message harms your eyeballs or gives you some headache...well sometimes I got bored with my huge genius mind so I do this kind of things *lol*
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